Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Comparisons of Drafts

During the past few weeks, a four-column chart was created so that the two versions of Standard One (Numerical Operations) – the December 2008 version created by the Department of Education’s writing team and the February 2009 version created by DOE staff – could be compared and evaluated, and so that a new version of the standards could be developed. The left two columns of the chart contain the text of the two versions, the third column includes comments on the two versions, and the fourth column contains recommended language for the next version of the math standards.   This document has been distributed to the ALL of the NJDOE math task force members, which will meet for the first time tomorrow (Wednesday March 25th).  I also recommend for anyone following this debate to read Alan Schoenfeld's (pictured on left) The Math Wars.


  1. This four column chart is very useful. As a technology teacher, I've been attempting to make changes in my lab that reflect the newest NJ ed. technology plan.(http://www.state.nj.us/education/techno/state_plan.htm) Suprisingly, (or not), the February '09 math standards fly in the face of the state technology goals, which are based on recommendations from ISTE (International Society of Technology in Education). For example, the December '08 standards state:
    "5. Select and apply the appropriate
    method of computation from among
    pencil-and-paper, mental math, or use
    of a calculator or computer to solve real
    world problems."
    The February '09 standards have no comparable indicator. However, the technology goals for the state include:
    "GOAL 1
    All students will be prepared to excel in the community, work place and in our global society using 21st century skills.

    Suggested objectives for Goal 1:
    1.1 Educational technology will be infused across all curricular areas:

    aligned with both the most recent version of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJAC 6A:8-3.1) and
    the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards, and
    focused on student centered, problem-based, real-world curricula to attain 21st century skills."

    I believe the key concepts being "all curricular areas" and "problem-based, real-world curricula". Will the state technology goals be altered as well?

  2. Christy - my understanding is that they are revised the technology standards also. See

    How do I make an active link in a response post???
