Friday, January 15, 2010

Math progress index

New Jersey earns high grades from Quality Counts 2010 on the Math Progress Index which ranks the states on their mathematics proficiency (and improvement) of their students over time.
See here for the rankings.

Education Week: Executive Summary

Education Week: Executive Summary
Created for Quality Counts 2010, a new index finds inconsistent showings in the nation and states in math performance, improvement, and opportunity.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gauging the Gaps: A Deeper Look at Student Achievement

As mentioned in my previous post, here is the link to the EdTrust report Gauging the Gaps: A Deeper Look at Student Achievement.

Eight states, including New Jersey, and the District of Columbia were recognized as top states for achieving progress for all student groups under NAEP’s reading and math scores for both grades four and eight. New Jersey was one of six top states for having low-income and minority students who perform substantially higher on all areas of NAEP than their peers in other states.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Teachers should be seen not heard


Teachers Should Be Seen and Not Heard

I am a fly on the wall sitting at a table. Seated at a round table are three state governors, one state senator, a Harvard professor and author, and a strange little man who assumes the role of group moderator. The strange little man asks the group to talk about their experiences at the education conference. The ex governor from the South begins to talk about how the traditional school model is not working and the problem of too many teachers who do not understand what they teach. Teachers, he complains, are not prepared to teach in 21st century classrooms because they possess, in his words, "only 20th century skills." He does not provide specific examples or elaborate upon his theory but the other guests at the table nod their heads in agreement.


Merit Pay

N.J. education commissioner unveils system tying student performance to teacher evaluations

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Selective schools contribute to inequality in education?

Princeton University researcher finds selective schools contribute to inequality in education By Bob Braun/Star-Ledger Columnist

Can the same kind of national scientific effort that produced the atom bomb — and ended the war in the Pacific — be used to close the so-far intractable educational achievement gap that afflicts African-American students? Read more here.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Statistics NOT Calculus

Great video from Arthur Benjamin on that Calculus should NOT be the be all and end all for all students - it should be Statistics. See video here.